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How do I contract for ice?
  • Log in with your password and username that was e-mailed to you from Southern Wisconsin Figure Skating Club.  Change your password and write your password down.
    • NON-Members do not receive passwords.  They must first register and create an account.  They must also add their child/ren as companions. 
  • Click on SWFSC Ice Contract in the left-hand column.
  • Click on the link for the current month’s contract.
  • Read contract information page
    • Scroll down and read the event rules, cancellation policy and other IMPORTANT information. Here is also a list of all the times offered.  You can click “print page” at the bottom of the screen if you would like to look at a paper copy and make notes before contracting. Then choose “Register Now.”
  • Personal Information Screen
    • If you’re a parent registering for your child, find the Select Registration Type drop-down menu under Primary Registrant, and choose “not attending.”
    • If you’re registering for ice for yourself (you’re an adult skater) choose either “home club” or “associate club” membership type from the Select Registration Type drop-down menu.
    • If you’re registering your child/ren, click on Add Junior/secondary members under the Companion/Guests information.  If you are a member, your child/ren have been pre-loaded into the database and a window with your child/ren’s information will pop up.
    • Non-members must use the text boxes to add their child/ren.
    • If you are contracting more than one child/adult and they are not skating on the same sessions, you need to contract separately for each of them.  If they are skating the same schedule: add both children by choosing them on the junior/secondary list.
    • From the drop-down menu choose: Home club, Associate club, or non-member and click save.
    • Click “next” at the bottom of the Personal Information screen
  • Event Registration - Activities screen
    • Click the boxes for the sessions that you would like to contract.  You can always click the “back” button to change dates and times if you make any errors.  PLEASE BEWARE OF THE 6:00 AM sessions because they are no longer in red!
    • Club express will keep a running tally of your total fees.
  • Event Registration - Liability Waiver Screen
    • Read the liability waiver
    • Click the I Agree box
    • Click Next
  • Event Registration - Summary Screen
    • Review your ice times
    • Review your total fees
    • You can print a summary of your ice times and total fees by clicking on the Print Summary button on the bottom right of the screen
    • If you need to make changes to your ice contract, click on the Back button at the bottom of the screen or use your browser's back button.
    • click on “Complete registration.”
  • Make Payment Screen
    • Review your contract again then choose “print invoice and send check.”  It will open up your printer screen.  You will also get an e-mail confirmation with all the dates and times listed.
    • Important! Even if you do not want to print an invoice, you must click on Print Invoice and Send Check. That is the button that will process your contract. If you do not click this button, you will not be contracted.
    • Click “done” and you will be taken back to the home page

If you did not receive an e-mail event registration confirmation, you are not registered for ice sessions.

Mail your check (no need to include an invoice) with the skater name (s) in the memo box.  For example: Emily Lee – June XXXX Ice to:

C/O Fei Xiong
8422 Oakmont Dr
Madison, WI 53717


I'm having trouble contracting for ice. What should I do?
  • Non member.The ice contract is available to SWFSC members before it is available to non-members. If you are a non-member and are unable to contract, the contract might not be open to you.
  • Contract deadline. The ice contract is available to registrants for a limited time. If the contract period is up, the contracting feature is disabled for the month.
  • Idle computer sessions. Once you begin the contracting process, do not leave your computer idle. Your contracting session might tmie out and you'll lose your contracted sessions.
  • Choose Print Invoice and Send Check. On the Make Payment screen, be sure to choose this method of payment. Your contract will not be processed unless you do.
  • Check your e-mail. If you have successfully registered for ice, you'll receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • Read the FAQ. If you're unfamiliar with the online contract, read and/or print out the FAQ about contracting.

Important: Before you e-mail our ice scheduler, make sure that you have read the contracting FAQ. Do not leave a voice mail. Our ice scheduler, like all club members, is a volunteer. Please respect their time.

The ice session I want is full. What should I do?

Ice session registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis and some sessions fill up quickly. If you must have a certain ice session, we recommend contracting in advance. You are welcome to come to the desired session, and if there are any walk on spots available due to no-shows, you may be able to skate.

Do not expect to be guaranteed a spot if the ice session is full. 

Where do I mail my check for ice?

Mail your check to:


C/O Fei Xiong

8422 Oakmont Dr
Madison, WI 53717

Checks need to arrive before the new ice session begins.

Drop box located in McFarland rink on the far side of our Rubbermaid cabinet.  


How do I see which ice sessions I’ve registered for?
  • E-mail. The easiest way to see your ice sessions is to check your e-mail. If you did not receive a confirmation e-mail with your ice sessions, you might not have completed the online ice contract correctly.
  • Online.
    • Visit
    • Log in with your username and password
    • Click on Profile at the top left, under your username
    • Under Financial/Historical Data, click on Transaction History
    • Locate the Event Registration that corresponds to the current month’s contract
    • Click on the double blue arrows to the left of date that corresponds to the Event Registration
    • You will see a list of your registered sessions as well as fee information
    • To print the list of your registered sessions, find the word Print in blue next to Event Registration and click on it. 
    • A print dialogue box will open.

I can’t make it to a session I’ve contracted for. Can I get credit for it?
  • Injury/illness. Injured or ill skaters may receive ice credit if they have a note from a medical provider. Skaters with routine medical appointments will not receive ice credit.
  • COVID-19: If a skater is required to quarantine due to a COVID-19 exposure/diagnosis they will be refunded for contracted ice sessions during quarantine. 
  • Scheduling conflict. All other scheduling conflicts are ineligible for ice credits.

Should you have any questions about ice credit, please reach out to or

How can I switch my ice session?

As a "home" or "associate" member of SWFSC, you are able to "switch" contracted ice sessions due to unplanned absences. Switches must be completed within the same month (with flexibility into the first week of the new month). The "new" session cannot be reserved in advance, and is subject to walk on availability. 
How can I tell if a session has room for walk-on skaters?
Online. When you log in to, you can see how many spots are open in a session and decide whether you should visit the rink for your skater to walk-on to the ice.

  • Visit
  • Click on the Ice Contract menu option
  • Click on the current month’s ice contract
  • Scroll down to view the month’s ice sessions
  • Click on the double arrows next to the ice session you’d like to walk onto
  • You can see the Available Slots under the date and time
  • Walk-on fees are $14, to be paid to the ice monitor before a skater enters the ice

Important! The number of available slots online does not guarantee your skater a place on the ice. All walk-on ice is sold on a first come, first served basis. If you plan to have your skater walk on to a session, arrive early. Priority is given to home and associate members before non-members. 

How can I purchase a walk-on punch card?
Punch cards are for sale from This is a GREAT way to get a discount on walk on ice. 

Home and Associate Members: $85 for 5 punches (hours)
Non Members: $95 for 5 punches (hours)

Punch cards do not expire and are good for any ice session with available slots. Please allow at least 48 hours after purchase for the punch card to be created and used.