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HomeLearn to Skate

Southern Wisconsin Skating School

Whether you are age 2 or age 90, we are here to help you achieve your ice skating goals! 
Our mission is to provide a fun and positive experience that will instill a lifelong love of skating.
Let's go on a journey together!

Registration is open for the following sessions:
Spring I Session: March 1 - April 12
Spring II Session: April 27 - May 31

Registering for Classes

Registering with Learn to Skate USA
*You must have a membership number with Learn to Skate USA to sign up for classes.*

Your membership will need to be renewed annually. Membership year is July 1st - June 30th.
Visit Learn To Skate USA to register. Membership cost $17 + $1.50 processing fee.
Keep your membership number safe! It is your lifelong number.

Registering with Southern Wisconsin Skating School
When registration opens-
Select the "Register Now" button at the top of this page.
Select the "Register Now" button after the listed classes.
Fill out the form with your information and list the skaters you are registering on the next page.
Select the class(es) you are signing up for.
Answer the brief questionnaire (skater's age, parent address and email, and Learn to Skate membership number).
Read and acknowledge the waiver(s).

You're all set! We can't wait to meet you for your first class! 

Our Classes

Snowplow Sam 1 - 4
Ages 3 to 5

Designed for younger children to learn the joys of ice skating. After passing through all four levels, skaters will move on to Basic 2.
Basic Skills 1 - 6
Ages 6+

Teaches the FUNdamentals of ice skating and provides the best foundation for success in both hockey and figure skating. After passing through all six levels, skaters will move on to Pre-Free Skate.
Pre-Free Skate - Free Skate 6
All ages

Levels comprised of a variety of progressive skating skills, transitions, spins, and jumps.
Adult Classes

Designed for both beginning and experienced adult skaters who wish to start or improve their skating skills.
Specialty Classes

If you are interested in any of the following classes, please email for more information.

Off-Ice Warm-Up Class
Hockey Power Skating 1-4
Power Class
Edge Class
Competition Readiness Class

The First Day of Class

We are so excited to have you in our classes!

Plan to arrive at the rink 15 minutes early to put your skates on.
First time skaters will meet with their coach in the rink by the vending machines for the off-ice orientation.
Skaters in levels 2 and up may take the ice to warm up and meet with their coaches at the start of class.

If you need rental skates, instructions will be included in our welcome email.
If you have skates with blade guards, you may put them on in the lobby.
If you have skates with no blade guards, you may put them on in the benches inside the rink.

Our staff will be wearing blue jackets and are available in case you have any questions.

Join the Southern Wisconsin Figure Skating Club

Membership with a local figure skating club is the best way for skaters and parents to stay connected with the sport and participate in a wide variety of programming. Whether you are a dedicated competitor, a brand new skater or part of a skater’s support network, a U.S. Figure Skating membership is the best way to be involved.

Joining U.S. Figure Skating is a decision that opens a variety of doors as you choose how to pursue your personal skating journey. Whether you're chasing an international career with Team USA or going for the gold at local nonqualifying events, members have access to the tools, resources and programming necessary to develop their on-ice career in a way that makes sense for them. 

Only U.S. Figure Skating members are able to skate in sanctioned U.S. Figure Skating events, like the U.S. Figure Skating Championships.

Other membership benefits include:

  • Certificates of accomplishment for passing proficiency tests and placing at U.S. Figure Skating qualifying events (athletes)
  • Subscription to SKATING magazine
  • Individually numbered membership card
  • Coverage under U.S. Figure Skating's sports accident insurance policy
  • Special offers and discounts from U.S. Figure Skating corporate partners

Find out more about our club on our "Join SWFSC" tab!


Still have questions?
Contact Katelyn Nieh, Skating School Director | 704-574-1221

The Southern Wisconsin Skating School does not discriminate against any member or potential member for any reason specifically, age, class, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or skating ability.